
What are the causes of floaters?

Do you know what are the causes of floaters? Many people ignore the common diseases of life, so that after its emergence, we can not find an effective way to cure the disease, including floaters. The cause of floaters is not simply, but only a little. Now, let's see what causes floaters.
1. Vitreous degeneration
In the elderly and high myopia population is more common, vitreous hyaluronic acid will occur acid liquefaction. People with diabetes and hypercholesterolemia also have cholesterol crystals in their bodies.
2, trauma
Trauma caused by vitreous opacity, common eye contusion, penetrating injury can lead to myopia surgery principle of bleeding. Therefore, the phenomenon of turbidity, the patient's intraocular foreign body or secondary infection may cause vitreous opacities. In addition, uveal and pigment and trauma, are used in particles into the vitreous body, which can cause eye vitreous body turbid phenomenon.
3, systemic disease
What are the causes of vitreous opacity? Systemic disease is also a major cause of this disease. Such as heat disease, often complicated with vitreous opacity. In addition, typhoid fever, or meningitis and flu symptoms occur and malaria symptoms such as recurrent fever caused by vitreous body cloudy. Toxemia of pregnancy toxemia of pregnancy [translate] (also known as pre eclampsia toxemia of pregnancy syndrome, prenatal eclampsia, refers to the dam which occurs during pregnancy and increased blood pressure (gestational hypertension), with proteinuria, edema and other phenomena. And nephritis and diabetes can also cause vitreous opacity.
4, parasites
Some parasites in the human body can also cause vitreous opacities in the eyes. If the eye tumor, eye, or other parts of the tumor to the eye metastasis, its parasites and its metabolites can lead to vitreous opacities of the eye.
In fact, in daily work, as long as we take good care of our eyes, there will be no pathological changes, and it will not lead to obstacles in our life. The above description is about what causes floaters. I hope I can help you. In addition, suggest that you suffer from floaters, must be treated as soon as possible.

